It was an amazing night that turned bad so quickly. One second I was having fun with my friends at the chip dumpster. The next second I was in my car throbbing in pain and horrified at what I was looking at. If I ever learned a lesson this was the worst way for it to happen. Being intoxicated as a minor leads to broken fingers, visits to the hospital, and parents wondering what in the world you were thinking.
After some heavy drinking at a one of my friend’s parties, we found someone sober to drive us around to listen to music. We had been driving around for about an hour and we all of a sudden had a serious case of the munchies. We all knew exactly where we would go to solve that dilemma.
Everyone at West Salem has heard of the chip dumpster. The chip dumpster is a dumpster at the Frito Lays Company in West Salem. The company throws away barely expired chips, salsa, nacho cheese, and many other what we call treasures. Most of the time, the munchies aren’t even expired and are perfectly fresh and okay to eat.
So we pull up to the dumpster to start our scavenging for various munchies. Usually the dumpster is full and this time there was barely anything in there. So we grab the chips that are in there and put them all in the car. There was one bag left at the bottom of the dumpster that we all had to go back to get. We all idiotically jumped on one side of dumpster to reach in and grab the bag of chips. The next thing we knew we were all laying on the ground wondering what just happened.
The dumpster became too heavy with all of us on the one side of it and fell over. We were all asking each other if we were okay and my friends all said that they were okay. They asked me but I just walked back to the car as silent as could be. All my friends knew something was wrong. As soon as I hit the ground I knew something bad just happened to my hand. I didn’t feel any pain but my hand felt like my heart was in the center of it. All of my fingers were throbbing really badly.
I got into my car along with the rest of my friends. They were all asking, “Matt, are you okay? Is something wrong?” My replay was, “Turn on the light!” As soon as they turned on the cargo light in my car everyone’s heads turned away because of what they were looking at. My hand was mutilated and two out of the five fingers on my left hand were crooked. There was skin hanging off of my fingers and I was bleeding everywhere.
My friends then went to go pick the dumpster back up and we hurried out of there. I was surprised that my hand didn’t hurt more. I took a second look at my hand and I blacked out. The next thing I know we are heading back to the party to drop all of my friends off at their cars. This is when the pain finally started to hit me. Everyone was saying, “Oh my god! We didn’t know if you were going to wake up or not.” Apparently my eyes rolled in the back of my head and I was out for ten minutes. They got me to come back to consciousness by putting one of the cold nacho cheese jars against my face.
All of my friends were freaking out because they didn’t know if they should take me to the hospital. I was contemplating whether or not to go home and tell anyone. There was no way I wasn’t going to go to the hospital. So my best friend decided to drive me to my dad’s house where I had to face the humiliation of telling the dumb story. I didn’t really feel like telling the real story right away so I started to make up a story on the way to my house. I decided to tell him that I slammed my hand in my car door before coming inside.
So I get into the house and start walking to my dad’s room to wake him up. All I am thinking about is him telling me don’t go out and drink now. It only leads to bad things and in the end isn’t worth it. It was about 2:30 in the morning when I went in his room to wake him up and he right away started questioning me. I said I wasn’t drinking and continued with my idiotic story of how I slammed my hand in my car door. He really didn’t care about my story too much and we started to drive to the hospital in an instant.
That drive was one of the longest and most painful drives I have ever taken in my life. I was thinking to myself, why did you drink? Why didn’t you take your dad’s advice? On top of that, every bump was a horrible jolt of pain being sent threw my hand. I couldn’t take driving any longer. I needed the pain to go away as soon as possible.
We arrive to the hospital and head straight to the emergency room. There were about five people ahead of me and I showed them all my hand and they let me go straight to the front of the line. Immediately they got me into a room and onto a stretcher. They shot me up with pain meds and I finally got some relief. The doctor came in and I told him the made up story also. No one really believed me but I was sticking with that story. Of course the doctor also had to ask if I was drinking. That is when my dad figured out for the first time that I was drinking. I felt like I had to tell the doctor that I was drinking. I felt so embarrassed. He then had to preach to me like everyone else that drinking as a minor never is a good thing and leads to nothing good.
They then sent me into get x-rays. After that they brought me back to my room where I fell asleep for an hour before they came back with the results. The doctor said I shattered my middle finger and would have to have surgery to repair it. The rest of my fingers were also broke. He said I was going to have early arthritis and really bad nerve damage.
After the results came back the doctors put a huge cast on my arm to support all of my fingers and keep them straight. I was still in barely any pain and I started to reflect on what just happened. I was having such a good time and everything went downhill so quickly.
No one ever second guesses drinking as a minor. All they think about is the “now effect” and not the consequences that could affect them later in the night. If I wouldn’t have drank that night, my hand wouldn’t have been mutilated and I would’ve been in perfect harmony. Instead, I was in throbbing pain with an upcoming surgery to repair my finger. I also learned that the chip dumpster is stupid and dangerous. Next time I’ll probably just go to the local Kwik Trip and buy myself a bag of chips. I have never even come close to returning to the chip dumpster. Underage drinking is illegal and a dumb idea. I recommend that no one drinks if you are under the age of 21. Nothing ever comes good out of it.
Very interesting.