Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I think the video was a good way of opening up your eyes to another method of teaching. Learning by doing helps the children figure out that nothing is ever just going to be handed to you. You have to work through the problems and sometimes figure out the solution on your own. Tulley’s method brought success to the children building the different things. It also showed that you can trust kids with the hammers, drills, and other dangerous equipment.
In today’s public education, there is a set curriculum and everything is repetitive everyday. You go to class, learn a lesson, and get homework and eventually have a test. Kids never get the chance to learn by doing unless they are enrolled in a shop class that helps them develop problem solving strategies. Public education is boring and I think an approach like Tulley’s would definitely open up eyes to how to overcome failure. In my opinion it would also be a lot more fun because I like to be hands on and working in an environment where I get to create my own creation would be more fun than I ever had in any class in high school. I think public schools should definitely somehow incorporate teachings methods like this because it would overall benefit the children in helping them for their futures.
Most families today have more than one child and live hectic lives that are overwhelming. Most children are in involved in so many extra-curricular activities that consume the child’s life and the parent’s life. Children don’t have much time to do homework and have free time. It is the same with the parents. They don’t have time to relax at home after a long day of work. Tulley’s program offers time and opens up the child’s life to work freely and solve problems openly. This is another good reason why Tulley’s program is beneficial.
Responding to failure in today’s society doesn’t go over well. Most people give up and don’t try to solve the problems. Actually, when you really think about it, we give up and have someone else try to solve the problem for us. Look at our nation’s economy. It is a huge failure and no one wants to take full responsibility so we try to look for someone else to fix it for us. We all think everything is so bad and that we can’t do anything to help our own problem when in reality, all you have to do is make smart economic decisions to benefit yourself. A good response to failure is something you have to develop overtime.
I think that for all these reasons, public schools should somehow incorporate Tulley’s method of problem solving into their curriculum. They should set aside an hour everyday to work on a project that you design yourself, build yourself, and helps you problem solve by yourself. I think this method should be started at a young age because overtime your problem solving skills will be amazing. Response to failure as a society will definitely improve and it will greatly benefit everyone.
Overall I thought the movie was pretty interesting. Seeing the kids at that young of an age work to build things and be successful is amazing. There were a couple of things in the video that I thought were pretty cool. The bridge made out of bags was pretty amazing. When it showed the picture of the bike and boat that they made, I was pretty blown away. But by far the one thing that struck me the most was the roller coaster that they made. That must have been a really smart 7 year old to make that.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My labor day weekend started off on tuesday of that week by my boss telling me I had everyday off except saturday night for two hours. This gave me an opportunity to plan my weekend for whatever I wanted. Of course my family is boring and never does anything for the labor day weekend so I had to create my own fun. My own fun consisted of going out every night with my friends and sleeping all day until the next night began. I didn't plan on getting anything done except have fun.

There are some perks and downers when you stay up all night and don't get anything done. The perk is that I had fun, met a lot of new people, and never got in trouble. The downside of me going out is that I forgot that I had a fastpitch softball tournament every day of that weekend. My coach was calling me every day but I was always sleeping and didn't get the calls until it was too late. I'm not sure but I don't think I'm on the team anymore

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Hi, my name is Matt Luethe. I was born in LaCrosse and have lived in West Salem all of my life. I am 18 years old and this is my first year of attending Western Technical College. I work on a small dairy farm that is owned by my uncle. My life is consumed by school, work, friends and family. My hobbies include playing football and baseball, fishing, hunting, and riding snowmobiles and quads.